Please provide updates for this list to the church office.

Long-Term Care or Homebound: Laurie Meister, Karen Rak, Connie Rebar, Maggie Struhar

Church Family: Serena Abruzzino, Jennifer Cockrell, Sam Cuyler Jr., Sue Hawk, Irene Jannsohn,  Bobbie  & Wayne Krisak, Karl & Sharon Kuhlenschmidt, Jim Maresco, Reggie McCray, Roy Merkle, Lola Millhoane, Kenn Oerkfitz, Gary Paul, Joyce Reed, Dorothy & Bill Ritchie, Ember Schneider, Peter Smith, Sharon Wilson, Claire Wills, Marty Winch

Extended Church Family: Edward and Sharon Acton (Sally Herzog’s friends), Dorene Baldridge, Ron & Yvonne Adams (Judi Pavisich’s friends), Amy Carroll (Marty Winch’s sister), Barbara Davis (Don & Sandy Gleichauf’s friend), John Dickson (Greg’s dad), Keana Dickson (Greg & Ingrid’s daughter), Allison Emerson (Colette’s sister), Kim Filiatraut (Sarah Keenen’s friend), Elizabeth Fulford (Lora Rung’s friend), Joanne Gariepy (Sally Herzog’s friend), Kathy Ghetti (friend of Ginger Rothel),  Dana Hardy (Craig’s wife), Barb & Dale Holmberg (Tiffany Hassel’s parents), Anne Holland,  Diane Mason (Lora Rung’s friend), Rudy Matjazic (Judi Pavisich’s friend), Donna McDonald (the Ritchies’ friend), Linda McNabb (Ginger Rothel’s sister-in-law),  Sylvia Pakish (Don & Sandy Gleichauf’s friend),  Jeff Peacock (former member), Zora Roundtree (FL4A volunteer), Mike Rung (Lora’s brother), Amanda Shannon (Sarah & Jon Hayes’ friend),  Vicki Smith (Venner Clarinets), Chris Vozniak (Lora Rung’s friend), Tom (friend of Judi Pavisich), Don Wills (friend of Judi Pavisich), The people of Ukraine, Gaza, and Israel, victims of violence, those affected by natural disasters

OPT-IN: Please contact Pastor Heidi if you would like to pray for others via the email prayer chain.